Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bits of My Weekend- Going Green Edition

Our weekend was pretty amounted to 58 Americans, 1 soccer game, 3 birthday parties and a few other odds and ends. I'm posting updates and pics about the 58 Americans here, you've seen plenty of weekend pics of my soccer star so I'll focus on the 3 b-day parties.

Skyler attended a cooking party of which we enjoyed the benefits of her new culinary skills on Sunday for supper. Tori got to ride a "big" horse (opposed to a pony...her words) at her special friend's Horse Party and Nelson Mandela turned 92. So what's up with the latter?

In honor of Madiba's birthday citizens across the country were encouraged to spend 67 minutes ("67" rep. the year's Mandela spent in public service) in service for the less fortunate. As a result, we were contacted by a Foundation that has been helping us with Impact Kids' with a request by Shell Oil. They in partnership with Food and Trees for Life wanted to come and plant 50 trees at the Impact Kids.

Festivities were planned and this crew of 20 Shell Employees, 10 or so from Food and Trees for Life, a handful of WITS University students, 7 from Rivers Foundation along with the IK and Impact Staff....

Spent more than 67 minutes planting these.....
and about 40 more on and around the school grounds.

After some training from the Food and Tree employee, the planting began.

We invited the IK students and their families and everyone pitched in. The kids had fun planting and watering the trees.

One little girl was particularly interested in planting a tree...

In fact, she claimed this one as her own....

Tori even named "her" tree. Thus the Impact Kids' school grounds now has its very own "Princess" tree. (Are you shocked by her name of choice? ;))

It was a fun, sunny morning Going Green at Impact Kids.

Thank you Rivers, Shell and Food & Trees for Life!


Just Mom said...

"Princess" is a lovely name for a tree. :-D

Beth said...

So sweet. Her hair is getting so long . . . I just love long hair. : )