Monday, November 02, 2009

No Trade Ins

I enjoyed many special things this birthday weekend. Amongst them was a precious card from my “words of encouragement” 10 year old. She articulated various endearments to her dear ole (not to be confused with old) mom but there was a particular phrase that stuck out to me…..

“….I would not trade you in for any other mommy!”

Well all I can say to that is, “PHEWWWW!”

Perhaps I should keep this particular card as a reminder of her “no trade in” statement for when she is a teenager and feeling otherwise.


Heidi Jo Comes said...

happy birthday you ole' ma. yes, save every account of them singing our praises....they may cease to be some day:0)

Anonymous said...

Frame it!!!!!

Jen said...

That is so true. I'm not looking forward to the teenage years. Even the tween years have been a bit of a challenge thus far.

Sohailah said...

sounds like a keeper. are you coming through tulsa on your trip or anywhere nearby?