Monday, March 19, 2007

Lassie Come Home

Sunday started out as a lovely day. We went to church and stopped for a quick bite to eat on the way home with some friends. We ate outside as it was beautiful picnic weather and the kids could play. As we arrived home ready for Sunday afternoon naps (aren’t they the best) our dog Zoë did not eagerly greet us as per usual. Turns out Zoë was no where to be found; somehow she got out of the gate and was gone. Now before I describe the trauma that ensued let me give you some background on homes and dogs here in South Africa.

Our home along with most is surrounded by brick walls and an electric gate. Not making it real easy ‘to get to know the neighbors’. It has a security system that is widely marketed in various points around our house. Some homes even have barb wiring at the top of their walling and there are those that really mean business and install electric fencing. I don’t suggest the latter with 3 small children and yes, there is a story or more appropriately said, a shock, behind that statement. Each home has at least one guard dog in most cases you will find two or more. Notice I did not say pet. Most people don’t keep dogs as pets but as security detail. This helps me set the stage for my next statement…Zoë was obtained for her scare tactic not to be the warm cuddly animal that sleeps at the foot of the bed. Admittedly, I am not a pet lover. I do like Zoë but I like her best when she is outside and keeping the ‘baddies’ (SA term for bad guys) away. Although for clarity sake my kids would tell you otherwise. To them she is a their childhood pet, you know the one they don’t feed, walk, or clean up after (aka poop in the yard).

Back to where I left off…insert picture of kids in hysteria here. Oh my, the tears, the beginnings of a eulogy (Skyler of course) etc... Come on, it is a dog—one that everyone fought over when having to take care of her…okay insert sensitivity here. “Don’t worry dad will find her or she’ll get hungry and come home; is there food in the dish (need I even ask)?”

I laid Tori and myself down for a nap while Rich took Sky and Blake to look for Zoë. Don’t look at me that way; I said a prayer for Lassie to come home prior to heading off to ZZZZ land. Unfortunately…..I mean fortunately my nap was interrupted about an hour later with the return of our precious German shepherd. Someone had picked her up and turned her into the vet down the street. ....obviously she isn't too scary!

My favorite statement and one that proves my point, I’m not insensitive just HONEST, by my 5 year old son with a twinkle in his eye, “Skyler, do you think if we wouldn’t have found Zoë we could of got a new dog?”

Sorry Zoë you’re no Lassie but glad you came home!


Debbie said...

Great story, Michelle. And, I didn't look at you funny when you said you took a nap, I promise! Got a photo of that mangy mut, the prodigal?

Gayla said...

No funny looks here! We have a border collie named Lucy that I would pay to run away.

I do like animals, and Sam (Lucy's dad who Mick got in Ireland when he lived there) is sorely missed around here. (had to put him down last fall.) But Lucy I could live without.

Just Mom said...

OK. I live a very sheltered life. Please explain your and your neighbors' need for a guard dog, brick walls and security gate.

michelle said...

Deb if you click on the underlined text- scare tactic in my post it will give you the visual you are desiring.

Alicia, we thought we would try for a new is the recluse living. Just kidding. THe city I live in has one of the highest crime rates in the world so we fortify ourselves in to keep the baddies out. Prayer works too! :-)

Heidi Jo Comes said...
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Heidi Jo Comes said...

i have a dog that i pray daily will run away. but until we take the collar off that bears our last name and phone number he will just keep coming back to us.

Debbie said...

Oh, there's Zoe. I think she's smiling in that photo.

Lisa H said...

I got a good laugh out of this one! Although I can't really relate, because we have a great dog and I'd be so sad if he ran away! :)

Leah said...

I wasn't a dog person until we got our dog last summer. It's a little embarrasing how much I like her now... I would be so sad if she ran away. :) Maybe Blake is on to something... you just need a different dog.


Just Mom said...

Who's Alicia (other than Ginger's daughter)? My name is spelled Aisha. :-)

Don't feel bad. Many people have called me Alishia, Alicia, Alisa. Trust me when I say I was called much worse names when I was a reporter. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I grew up with dogs that I loved, so I can relate. I hated cats. Now I have a cat..thanks to three daughters. When I can't find her (she likes to hide once in awhile) I cry. I feel sorry for your kids. I never thought you'd be a mean mommy :(

Karenkool said...

Well, I happen to believe that a dog tends to live up to its name. My former dog, named snickers, left a lot of "them" around the house until finally, after about 11 months, decided she could be house trained. All I'm saying is... Zoe? Not much of a watchdog name!!! How about Butch or Killer or Spike?!

Karenkool said...

JFYI---We were able to find a new home for that demon-dog, Snickers, and I never shed a single tear--only shouts of joy and celebration ensued once she was gone from my life. I still let out a shout now and again.

michelle said...

Sorry Aisha, I have been scarred by Alicia's piercing video so that must be it. :-)

You should hear what I get called. Ha!