“What does heaven LOOK like?” Besides streets of gold, angelic beings, and mansions, Blake had glimpses of huge theme parks with Superhero rollercoasters. Skyler saw endless fields of flowers and picturesque places for picnics.
“What does heaven SOUND like?” Melodious song, much laughter….perhaps what we won’t hear- children crying. My thoughts of grandeur included me singing on-stage and in tune with all my favorite musical artists.
“What does heaven TASTE like?” Of course this was a fun one. A long list ensued of all our favorite treats. And the best thing there were no calories to be counted…..only in heaven, right?!
“What does heaven FEEL like?” Hugs were exchanged in a pitiful attempt to sense what it will feel like to be enrobed in our Father’s arms.
We were having such fun ‘experiencing’ heaven on earth when Skyler quickly did the math. “Mom, we only did 4 senses!” Pause…thoughts of which one we left out…. and then the precious discovery. My favorite question…..
“What does heaven SMELL like?” If you have read my blog for any length of time I am sure you know what my answer was. Well, it wasn’t enough to tell them I had to let them experience this glorious smell for themselves.
I ushered them into the kitchen and made them close their eyes. They were giddy with excitement not knowing what to expect. I opened the refrigerator door, pulled out the package and unfolded the opening. With the room now redolent of coffee beans, I envisioned the streets of gold lined with Starbucks coffee shops. “I’ll take a tall, skinny, vanilla-latte, extra hot, please.” Wait what am I doing…this is heaven! There are no calories so forget the ‘skinny’, and heaven-size is Grande! The icing on the cake…..it is free!!!! Hallelujah! (insert voices of angels singing)
My benevolent vision was interrupted with screams of “EWWW.....gross!” Skyler yelled in disgust, “I should have known you would make us smell coffee…..Come on Blake.”
Alone I stood with coffee in hand, my meager attempt to describe heaven to my kiddos gone awry. I guess we will just have to wait and see…..taste, touch, hear and smell! Until that unprecedented day, may you experience a little bit of heaven on earth for yourself!
You are hilarious!
Such a cute picture!
I love it! Your kids are so beautiful, Michelle - inside and out!
I am in tears! I think I may do this with Emily...what a great lesson...
but I think I'll leave out the coffee part!
What a great picture of your beautiful kids!
Skyler thinks coffee smells like hell!
What a great activity! I'm going to have to file that away in my memory under "Fun Things To Do With My Future Children".
By the way, Sky is turning into quite the little beauty! I bet Rich will have his hands full in a few years when the boys start lining up...
~Molly O.
You are too funny!! Coffee-your favorite smell? That's something I didn't even know about you. Guess your love of coffee is far beyond what I ever imagined. It got me thinking of what my favoite smell would be - probably chocolate or musle`, but then only you would know that smell since it's a family favorite recipe.
Yes, you continue to amaze me too. Keep up the good work with my beautiful grandchildren.
I never thought of coffee in heaven but why not - abundantly above all we can think and ask! However, our new church building will be a little bit of heaven 'cause we will have, guess what, yep, a STARBUCK Coffee shop!! How do you like those coffee beans? Michelle, when are you going to blog about "Wee-Boom?"
Darren and I smell heaven the same way you do. :)
I love thinking of spiritual things through the eyes of children. The simplicity, the faith, the expectation...what a great focus you're giving them.
Absolutely fantastic and inspirational!
...and I love Karen's comment! She'a riot!
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