This would be along the lines of what NOT to do while on safari.
It clearly states in the information you receive when entering the park that under no circumstances should you get out of your vehicle. The reason would seem obvious…there are hundreds of carnivorous animals that aren't picky about their meat. You are equipped with numerous phone numbers for qualified people to assist you in a “get out of the vehicle” type situation. So what did we do when we had a flat tire while on safari? By ‘we’ let me clarify…what did the men in our party do when we got a flat tire? They got out of the vehicle and changed it themselves.
This tip would be especially important when 30 minutes prior to the flat tire just a few kilometers away 2 cheetahs took down and zebra and then a pack of lion chased the cheetah away to enjoy their striped dinner. (True story)
Angry, hungry cheetah….lion on the prowl….2 large men on the open savannah….hummm
So I guess my tip would be to stay in your vehicle or bring along a praying wife and mother!
It would seem that someone else also got out to take their picture, hmmm? :)
Carnes... carrrrrrrnes!
I don't know if God answers the prayers intended for those who are disobeying!! At least that's what my dad would have told us as kids..."when you disobey the 'laws' you are outside of the angels protection for you", while it may be true my Grandpa always used to say, "God protects women, children and idiots." :-)
I think Lisa is onto something.
I knew there would be some wise guy (gal) that would BUST me! It was only for a I sound like one of my kids when they are busted!
Ya know... Are you sure you were never a reporter? I remember having to put myself in harms way (i.e. burning buildings with things inside that could easily explode toxic ick all over the place) just to get the right shot/story. It was nuts.
I'm assuming the men worked really fast changing the tire.
When my boss was on his safari they witnessed a guy get mauled by a lion, one of the tribal guys in the red clothes (can't think of what you call them) The tribe cut off the lions feet as prizes. That's all my boss could talk about. I'm very surprised my boss didn't get out of the vehicle to help the tribe out. I think it's a guy thing.
Maasai Warrior's, that is who I meant :)
Ginger your boss' safari is quite alarming to me. Typically at least the safari's I have been on you may get to see a lion kill but it does not involve humans.
Where was he and please tell me this was a freak thing?
Heidi according to your Grandpa we were covered then as there were women, children and idiots (a cute one at that). :-)
Michelle, I will have to ask my boss just where they were. He came over to do a water pipe project in Kenya and then headed to SA where his uncle has land. I think they took their safari there. Knowing him he went against any and all rules that day. I'm sure it was not a normal safari where this would have or should have been witnessed by tourists. He always finds ways to get to see and do things that are out of the boundaries.
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