For over a year we have been hearing about a fun adventure place here in
Joburg called
Jozi X. Seems like every time we attempted to go our plans were hampered in one way or another.
Finally, this school break we made the venture and it was well worth it.
Dark clouds looming we made our way to the park with fingers crossed...
Lots of fun things to explore and favorites were found.
Blake connected with his inner gymnast and/or monkey...
Quickly mastering these he went to greater heights testing his acrobatics
Skyler gravitated toward the climbing apparatus'
Finally, success after MANY attempts to reach the top.
The sun arrived in time for water fun..
A particular favorite for the littlest Franzen
And I found the solution to sibling rivalry...
Sky and Blake gave it a try. The Face-off...
With the win going to an elated Skyler..
I'm seriously thinking of getting one of these set up in my backyard...3 words..."Take it Outside"!
There was even a little something for me...
Where the espresso is pretty good, it's not as good as its descriptive marketing. (My "cake" post fans, I just could not resist!)
After 4 hours of good ole fun we left faces full of smiles...
Finally got there; Definitely going back!