6:00 p.m. Cool enough outside…open the doors, turn on the fan and bake some cookies for Santa.
7:30 p.m. Sample cookies—yum! Leave a few for Santa, carrot balls (a unique SA spin on mini-carrots) for the reindeer and a glass of milk.
7:45 p.m. Read, “Are you for Real Santa?” and talk about St. Nick.
8:00 p.m. Kids to bed without as much as a peep!
8:30 p.m. Due to “Mr. Claus” being laid up in Zimbabwe, “Mrs. Claus” will adhere to the stocking filling.
December 6, 2008
6:45 a.m. “Mom, please can we open our stockings? Please, mom…..mom, are you awake?”
6:55 a.m. Elated faces depicting another successful Franzenfam European, Christmas tradition (aka Mikulosh)!
7:00 a.m. “Mrs. Claus” heads back to bed!
Happy Mikulosh! Looks like another fun year. When will Mr. Claus be home?
His sleigh arrives back Dec 14.
Yeah for the Mikulash tradition!!! Good job Mrs. Claus and cute pictures. You mean you didn't stay up to see them open up their stockings?
what a fabulous tradition! i love sharing the story, "A place for Santa" with our kids on St. Nicholas' day. our kneeling santa is one of our favorite decorations. even santa knows to adore him.
Never heard of Mikulash, but it sounds fun EXCEPT for the carrot balls. Ew.
How fun!!!! I can't believe how grown up Tori is looking!!! All of your kids are adorable.
Mikulosh!!! Excellent!
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