A month or so ago my mother had some initial tests done on her heart after experiencing chest pains. The report came back that 3 of the major arteries around her heart were almost completely blocked and the prognosis was most definitely heart surgery.
Tuesday the surgeon did some more exploratory tests to further assess if open heart surgery was the only course of action. The results were staggering (aren’t all miracles!). Only one artery showed any sign of clogging opposed to the three from the original tests and it was only ½ clogged. He felt it can be remedied through medication and heart surgery was most obviously not needed.
So was the original doctor on meds when he administered the original tests or did the many prayers of the saints on behalf of Millie reach the throne room and a loving Father did an internal clean up job? You make your own assumptions; I've made mine!
Thank you to the many praying, you helped move a mountain in my mom’s life (heart) and for that I am particularly thankful!
God is soooo good. Answered prayer indeed!!! Thinking of you a lot :o)
Love it, love it, love it. Prayer works!
PRAISE GOD!!!! That is wonderful. I have made my assumption too and it has nothing to do with the doctor!
how awesome it that? so thankful for this as well!
What a great thankful.
So glad that prayer works.
No doubt in my mind for sure! Thanks to all of you for your prayers - prayer definitely works and I'm praising God for it.
Mom (or Millie to others)
Praise the Lord! Thank you so much for updating...I have been thinking about your mom.
He definitely gives us so much to be thankful for.
What a great report! And what a wonderful God we serve! :)
PTL. That is really amazing, Michelle!!!
Praising God with you!
I am claiming that when my father has surgery on his spine this Monday that the doctor's will have an easy time of it due to God's healing hand. And that God will be leading the doctor and surgery team all the way through.
Praise God!
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