Skyler is my “Words of Affirmation” child. She is forever writing little cards and notes to us and her friends. I find notes stuck in my bible, she adds notes to Blake’s lunch box, daddy receives them on his desk and even Tori gets little pictures. It is quite sweet. If the notes are reciprocated it goes a looooong way! This is how Skyler receives and gives love, she feels valued and special when verbally praised.
She even leaves notes for the tooth fairy….a new addition from my childhood memories of the never seen, tooth stealing, money giving, winged lady. Yesterday’s lost tooth was left by the side of Sky’s bed in a plastic baggie, on a pillow with the following note:
“Thank you for all the money you have left me for the teeth I have lost. And please don’t forget to leave money this time. Thank you!” Skyler
I thought the 20 rand the magical lady (that is a nice way to think about myself, a magical lady…you never know what is up my sleeve..hee) left would be a welcomed wake up surprise but Skyler was a bit perturbed that the tooth fairy did not take the time to write her back. As if I don’t wear enough hats now I have to be a note writing tooth fairy.
Do you think I can put that on my résumé?
That is so cute! You'll have to be sure to disguise your handwriting so you don't get caught! :)
We haven't lost any teeth at our house yet but Hunter has started to pull on his a bit since hearing about the magical Tooth Fairy. :)
Does the magical Tooth Fairy want to fly to South Dakota to leave cool South African coins under my son's pillow? He hasn't started losing his baby teeth yet, but he would get a hoot out of the coins.
Derek has lost 12 of his baby teeth. He loves the tooth fairy leaving money.
We haven't ever left any notes though either.
Isn't is awesome when they get past those four front ones? I hated the "trailer kid" look... (sorry for not being very PC!)
We invented to "tooth daddy" to take care of that job. I figured I didn't do Santa, why start with the Tooth Fairy?
LOVE seeing pictures of that girl!! What a beauty with a beautiful heart. And being a "words of affirmation" person myself, I can totally relate!
How cute is that! I love words of affirmation, too, so I can so relate. I have one daughter who never needed that at all. It was so weird to me. Thankfully they all understand my need and write wonderful notes and cards.
Skyler is so adorable. I would have a blast writing little notes to her and leaving them everywhere for her. I was the mom who put love notes in the lunch box and embarassed my kids all the time :)
My love language is W of A too so Sky and I do well in our communication.
She looks just like her Daddy but is all me in every other aspect. Pray for her...hee.
so sweet! jack is determined to lose a tooth. he insisits that one is loose... and we play along. maybe i should start planning now how the tooth fairy is going to work in the gower family...
Oh Michelle, that was the best post! Ben also leaves notes for the tooth fairy. He often has requests as to what she might leave him. That in turn, sends me into a panic, as I frantically try to keep the mystery of the tooth fairy alive! Brae lost tooth #5 a few weeks ago and lo and behold, she had Ben write a note asking for lip gloss. Thank goodness I had one stashed. It was so much easier when we left money.
Got the email for the kids tonight. They are at Honey's for at least one night (maybe two) but will be so excited to have heard from Sky. I just can't get over how grown up she is looking...
I can't say that I have ever ONCE been a tooth fairy--so sad how I've missed out. But I feel that I've had to pay enough in dentist bills that those blasted kids don't deserve money for their cavity infested teeth! DO I SOUND BITTER???
What a great story! I'm a W of A girl too - but not necessarily a note writer. But, I would imagine if the tooth fairy HAD written me a note - I would still have it! I bet she'll keep hers too.
Keep those hats going girl - you're doing a great job!
Skyler is too cute and what a wonderful gift (sure will come in handy for her future husband hey?).
Wouldn't hurt to put that on your resume but it's great already.
i just read this and LOVED it. You are the best mom - i love you!
Our Daughter receives reply notes from the tooth fairy. They are written backwards so that they can only be read by looking at them in the mirror.
Our Daughter receives reply notes from the tooth fairy. They are written backwards so that they can only be read by looking at them in the mirror.
Skyler's such a unique name. How did you come with it? Hehe... Anyway, she would've been more amazed if the tooth fairy was able to reply to the letter firsthand. Well, you can put that on your resumé, Michelle! Btw, why is Blake unhappy with his teeth?
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