.......and Skyler and Blake! The kids are on a 3 week holiday from school. I love how they refer to it as holiday here….holiday for whom? Seriously, I do love my kids being around, I love the casual mornings, I love being in PJ’s until 10 am. and I would love to say I love sleeping in but 6:00 a.m. hardly equates to sleeping in.
I always try to have some special things planned for the kids and a reward system of sorts to keep us all sane and me from barking orders all day. The system I came up with is fun and working well so far but it has only been 3 days so we will see if it stands the test of time.
Skyler has been sick and with Rich away we stayed home from church on Sunday. The kids begged me to start some of the ‘activities’ I have planned for them. So being the good mother that I am (hee) I pulled out a fun/bible one from Heritage Builders. If you do not know about HB I strongly recommend you perusing their site as their resources are phenomenal…very practical and easy to use. I subscribe to their free e-newsletter and get a fun bible based activity each time. I also use their family night books and my kids love them. Okay enough with the commercial….
So we sat down and started our activity. I gave Tori her own things and her own little place thinking that would keep her busy…HA! It lasted 2 minutes and then she was all over me. “Me seet Mommy” which equates to “Me sit on Mommy” but it really means “Me climb all over Mommy”. I carried on, managing the monkey now on me, until Blake needed help, and then the monkey, assist Blake, contort my body in 10 different ways, answer Skyler’s bazillion questions thing just wasn’t working. Blake soon lost interest and I got tired of saying, “Would you please listen?” By the time we got to the principle of the lesson we had all had it and I came up with a principle of my own….Never home school! Of course I did not say it aloud because you know what happens when you say “Never”?! Seriously though, how do moms home school multiple children esp. when they are little? And this activity wasn’t even an academic one it was a fun one.
I may hold a teaching degree but I don’t think it qualifies me for home schooling. I don’t have the patience degree also required.
So we'll resort to the usual games, dvd's, easy crafts, and ROOMTIME the rest of the holiday!
Don’t worry I’ve scheduled in 'teacher’s break-time' or should I say ‘blog-time’!
Is there really a school that offers degrees in patience? If so, I'm going to need to sign up for classes.
I loved your description of your little monkey climbing all over you. I have to admit I got a little chuckle out of that one, as that still happens to me. Of course, I don't have two others to entertain at the same time.
Me too! I could never home school! One I work full time away from home and then to have the time at night on top of everything else? YIKES! This is the first time that I have read your site but enjoy your posts! Love the picture of you with the giraffe by the way!
I'm with you on the home school thing. I love that picture of your kids-- very sweet.
the same thing happens here. andrew never lasts one full minute occupied with his treat before he is into everyone else's projects. i thought that making home-made valentine's for all of our family this year would be such a fun activity. WRONG. i knew the love of the holiday was lost when i was hollaring at my kids because they were dumping excess glue, glitter, and marker onto every surface in site.
i need a nanny with crafting skills.
Love the kids picture. At least Tori wasn't off cutting the cats fur like my little one would have been doing :)
Let me tell you what I think of homeschooled children. COMPLETELY unrelatable. I remember picking them out of a line up in TM - and we were always right - and not just because their moms made thier own clothes...
It is TOTALLY over-rated... homeschool kids sleep in late, never shower or get dressed and never have to wait for other kids to be good. They get recess whenever they want and NEVER have to eat anything they don't like for lunch. On TOP of that, they miss out on the true delight of discovery in MUSIC CLASS.
ha ha ha - just ask Karen...
Yah, just ask me! If you ever are a homeschooling mom and go away for a little vacation... and you leave behind the lesson plan for you child to carry on the schooling while you are away BAAHHAHAHAHHHAAAHH just be sure that he will sleep in until noon and barely squeak out the work. I do like teaching from a distance, though. ;-D
I love the Hertiage Builder stuff too! Didn't know they had a free e-letter. Thanks for the tip.
Amen to never say never!
We homeschool our 5 yr old (and I do love it), and I have a 2 yr old, and I have lived this entire scene. I have shut him in his room with his cars for 15 minutes so I can finish the point with her, and then she spends that time begging to play with him. And so it goes.
I finally figured out that my little guy likes stickers. Any stickers. I can give him foam stickers with the peelable backs and a piece of paper, or star stickers, or those free return address label stickers and he will play for 20-30 minutes. Who knew?
Good luck with your time off! :) he he
I hope everyone understands I was not dogging homeschool rather marveling at how HS mom's do it and wondering if I would have the patience and skills to do it. Essentially that wrapped up in the humor (so I tried) of my own recent experience.
I know many mom's that HS and are doing a phenominal job, educating very well balanced, Godly children. My hats off to them!
Well it is pouring down rain here so am off to keep everyone occupied and sane for the day. Pray for me. :-)
By the way, how do I delete comments...I can't figure that one out!
Oh and Karen and Sohailah aren't you guys supposed to be on vacation?
I had this weird dream about you guys...dreamed you met Aslan on your travels. hee!
If you want to delete comments-go to the comments page (and you should be signed in), there will be a little trash can right below each comment. Just click on it and it should take care of it.
Love the picture of your three beautiful children! Good luck keeping them entertained this week! :)
Hahaha, you have comments you would like to delete? Gotta love your dearest friends. The hard part of the blogging thing is the people who take us all seriously because they don't have a clue how silly we get. I think we all need Heidi's disclaimer.
Sidenote to all who read our blogs:
We love and appreciate all comments. We do get sidetracked now and then and will explain all and any unusual comments :)
Thanks Lisa the signed in part was the key for me!
"...the signed in part was the key for me!"
Yeah. That technology stuff can be pretty tricky. ;-) You make me laugh sometimes. OK ... a lot.
Hey Michelle, I wrote that comment so you could pratice the "delete comment" thing. Go ahead, try, I won't feel bad. You can even delete it forever!
I, too, marvel at my friends who homeschool. I have a dear friend who does an excellent job, has wonderful, well adjusted children, and has the patience of Job. I, on the other hand, thank God every break that He has not asked this of me. :-)
I am just wondering what Sohailah really thinks about homeschooling. I wish she would stop beating around the bush and speak her mind for once.
Btw... Sohailah was TOTALLY joking. I was sitting right next to her as she typed. It was funny to us, but we were on vacation so everything was a huge crack up!! HAHAHA!! Did we cause some kind of problem??? LOL. Sorry!!! Do you want us to quit commenting? Ahhh Blogger drama! Anyway...
I love homeschooling--but not really! I did it for 5 years and there came a point (called pregnancy for my sixth child) that I felt to put them in public school. That worked very well and has lasted for 4 years, and now I'm homeschooling again (but only one child this time--not 4). I can't say that I am extremely happy about the experience, although it was the right thing!
My kids are on an 11 day break starting Saturday. YIKES! Lord Jesus, help us all. I'm glad it's not 3 weeks.
Love you, Michelle.
No harm done! Just for clarification Soh's comment posted twice once under her name and once under yours Karen. I inquired about comment deleting to delete the latter.
Also thought learning that function would be good incase that turtle comes back.
And for further clarification..."the signed in" comment was because I went throught the dashboard to delete the comment for some reason I never noticed the little garbage cans at the bottom of everyone's comment. Okay so I am blonde!
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