A dear friend emailed me this morning inquiring about Rich’s V-day gift and if he took the ‘hint’. He was true to his comment...meaning no hint was neccessary.
“For the special women in my life…my wife, my mom and my Sky” Love Rit
Being so overwhelmed with emotion and excited to surprise Jackie and Sky with their gift I did not realize our electric security gate closed with Zoë, the dog, on the outside. The poor delivery guy sat at the gate ringing the bell (I could not hear it as I was in the backyard making the delivery) to tell me about the dog. 10 minutes passed before I realized what happened.
Sohailah he seemed like a really nice guy…why don’t you come visit and I’ll introduce you after all I know where he works. And there is a pretty good chance you’d get a lot of flowers if things worked out. (hee)
“We love you! Thank you for your sacrifice for the Kingdom apart from Rich. There are a lot of people that love you too!”
It brought tears to my eyes!
Thank you my love; flowers from you are always wonderful but are even more special knowing the extra thought and effort you put into it while a million miles away.
And thank you to “thoughtful anonymous” for the tangible reminder of how very blessed I am!
It brought tears to my eyes!
Thank you my love; flowers from you are always wonderful but are even more special knowing the extra thought and effort you put into it while a million miles away.
And thank you to “thoughtful anonymous” for the tangible reminder of how very blessed I am!
6 more sleeps until my Valentine returns to his rightful place! Yippee!
They are all beautiful. I was actually reminded when Rich told us what you (and his mom and Sky) would receive, how TM used to send flowers when Rich was away. Could that be the anonymous sender?!?! Very impressive. :)
Love you-
All those flowers are beautiful!
What a fun valentine gift!!
I rarely receive flowers...I think they are gorgeous...but more times than not we usually purchase a joint gift together or I get new clothing.
Those anonymous flowers were supposed to have MY NAME on them. Dang! (Ok I'm kidding) You deserve them all, sweet one. Cheers.
When I was about to graduate from college eons ago, I promised myself that once I found a job I would always decorate my home with fresh flowers. Well, reality hit and I found I needed all the income I made as a writer (ha ha) for more practical things ... like a house. I think that's why getting surprise loads of flowers (like you did) is so special.
I'm glad you had a happy day. It won't be long before your hubby comes back and your days will be even happier.
i am smiling for you michelle. what a mighty good man God gave you.
i have decided that with sam walton making fresh flowers so afforable i don't have to wait to be given flowers anymore.
my daughters and i pick out a fresh bouquet each time we are there. mind you we are only there once a month at most and the sticker price is $4.88. but we feel special none the less...and i think it's a valuable lesson for my girls. we don't have to have someone tell us we deserve something beautiful...God already did that when he created us.
How incredible. I'm so glad you were so blessed! You really are loved! My sweetheart is still recovering, but I did steal a bite of the huge heart cookie I gave to Alicia. Our pastor's son delivered roses to all the single girls in the church office and said they were a gift from God. Alicia thought is was sweet. I think it was his mom's idea :)
Amazing! I will be sure to pass on a hug from you Saturday when I pick up Rich. Hey - didn't he forget Tori???
How sweet and thoughtful! So glad you only have another week until you see your wonderful husband again! Hope it goes quickly for you!
WOW- that is so sweet! I love it that he sent flowers to his mom and Skyler too. He is already teaching Sky how a man should treat a girl, isn't he?
Make sure to tell him not to outdo her husband when she is married though. The first couple years Rod and I were married, he couldn't spend money on a big boquet, so he always bought me a nice, small boquet of flowers. I always loved it. But then the florist would deliver this HUGE boquet that my dad sent me and it would always make Rod feel a little bad. Just a word to the wise:-)
gorgeous! what a sweet note.
I don't buy flowers all year long to make up for the cost of the special holiday flowers. :-) Typically it is not as extravagant as this year...I think he's feeling bad he has been away for so long and grateful his mom would bare the sacrifice to come all the way to Africa in his absence.
Michelle, funny that you mentioned that as we've taught her, her man must love God with his whole heart first and foremost and secondly he must treat her like her daddy does. He is a great example!
I actually looked at Blake and told him...see this is what a man must do for his woman! :-)
Marci...one of the roses was intended for Tori...he thought she might not notice being overlooked...hee
Shonna..good guess but I think they came from a local party. Key words being "I think"
Wow - Three bouquets of roses - one for each - he is a great guy! But of course we always knew that. Yes he is being a good example for his daughters.
Was everyone overwhelmed?
I agree with Shonna - thought of Teen Mania as the secret sender myself.
Go, Rich!
I took the day to love on Em with flowers...she is much more of a girly girl than I.
But Kevin did take advantage of the "day after" sales and bring home some lovely flowers...I like that a lot better...less money gone and still the beautiful thought.
Gorgeous! I can almost smell the beautiful aroma. Will you dry them or preserve them in some way to extend the memory?
So totally sweet!!
David is out of town for the second time this week . . . even though he's not in a different continent, it seems like he is a million miles away. Now that we have the Honor Academy North he spends lots of time in Minneapolis. I'm rampling . . . I think I'm just trying to say I identify with your missing of your husband. : )
Just popping by to tell you that I'm missing you and praying that you are having a wonderful visit with Rich's mom. (I also like looking at the flowers everytime I see your post :) Keeping you close in heart. Blogging is just not the same without you though...
What a special Valentine gift! I LOVE the look of fresh flowers in my home, although I hardly ever buy them. I think I am going to take Heidi's idea and start buying my own. Flowers can really brighten the mood!
I am so happy that your time without your husband is coming to an end. Your family is so beautiful and what a blessing of a mother-in-law!
Based on a clue we received today I highly suspect that Shonna and my mom guessed correctly as to the anonymous flower senders!
what a sweet fella - hey I am THERE! and ALL about flowers :)
Hey, congrats! It's great how flowers say I love you. Annie and I were both blessed by big bouquets from Darren. I love it when daddies show little girls how special they are.
Good to hear you're doing well - I will email you soon to catch up on magazine stuff!
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