Thursday, November 08, 2012

Feeling Full

Hard to believe it is November and the year is quickly drawing to a close! Blog posts have been quiet so what has the Franzenfam been up to??

We used to call our winter months- your summer, "Team Season" but now teams carry on throughout the year...which we love. So we've been "up to teams" and seeing great fruit in the communities as a result.

We've had a couple birthdays as well. Recently, Michelle was afforded a first ever "Birthday Week" filled with 7 days of fun surprises, special times with dear friends and lots of sweet treats.

And with the end of the school year in sight each of the kids have had honoring evenings celebrating their accomplishments. Have a look....

Team heading out for ministry
Tori joining in on children's ministry
A surprise dinner with the Franzenfam and IA Staff
"Birthday Week" brought to you by Agent Bluebird (aka Emma) and Agent Black Widow (aka Skyler)
Blake's Soccer Awards Day
Skyler's awards evening rendering high honors in all subject and a gold academic badge
Blake being honored for 'Faith and Joy'...also received good academic accolades
Tori being honored for 'Love and Goodness' as well as high achievement in all areas of learning

In addition to daily time spent at our Impact Kids schools and helping to pioneer new ministry initiatives my days have been quite full.

Even as I sit writing this post admittedly I feel a bit physically worn out from a busy year however I am filled with gratitude of the amazing work and people that fill my days! Feeling very full...and not just from birthday cake! :)