Bags are packed and excitement is escalating as tomorrow we head to the States. We will spend some time with family in Florida and then head to Texas where Skyler will join her team as they train for their mission trip to Peru. My 12 year old will partake in Global Expeditions, Junior Mission trip! Pretty wild; pretty amazing!
We are so grateful for all the incredible support she received for her trip both from America and South Africa. A special encouragement came from Sky's school. The grade six held a Candy and Cake sale with all the proceeds going toward her trip. It was awesome to see the camaraderie and support from her peers.
Skyler, Blake and myself will be in the States/Peru for nearly a month. Rich and Tori will remain on the home front. July is a busy ministry season so Rich will stay back and his 6yr old side kick is quite happy to remain with him.
Please pray for each of us as we engage in the wonderful opportunities set before us and as we do so, separated from each other. God's grace is sufficient!
I hope to update our ventures here over the next few weeks so check back and check out the ministry blog for updates from the field!